Photo by WUR

About FreshKnowledge

Welcome to the website On this page, we offer the opportunity for quickly getting in touch with us. We introduce the purpose of the site and ourselves. And we are interested in understanding what you would like to see next on the site. Most of all, we would like to invite you to browse the information on the site and to let us know if it is useful information or could be improved.

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Postharvest Technology team
Postharvest Technology team

Who are we?

We are the researchers and consultants from Wageningen Research with expertise in the postharvest domain. Most of us work in the Postharvest Technology group, some in related groups such as Field Crops, Plant Breeding and Horticulture & Product Physiology. We translate scientific knowledge to daily practice.

As a team, we work to advance knowledge about postharvest management of fresh products, in order to bring high quality and tasty produce to consumers with minimum food losses in the supply chain. The fresh product is a beautiful product that deserves our full attention.

By advancing knowledge about the postharvest management of fresh products, we contribute to improving the quality of life of all people involved.

We help you make good decisions that work in practice.
We help you make good decisions that work in practice.

Get in touch

The easiest way to get directly in touch is by contacting us through the contact form below. We will ensure a speedy response from the most relevant expert from our team.

Why this site? has been created to help professionals in the postharvest domain to make the best strategic and operational decisions for their work.

We aim at supporting professionals in the whole fresh supply chain from just after harvest, in packhouses, during transport, in retail, and in the support and advisory partners.